For US Donors:

Please make your cheque payable to

“Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc.”
and mail it to Christian Action's Headquarters:

Christian Action

55 Clear Water Bay Road,
Choi Wan (2) Estate, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
(Attn: Corporate Development Department)
Donate through ‘Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc.’,

please select “Christian Action” as the charity.
Donations received from donors overseas, who wish to remain anonymous, and who have not provided any direction on allocation, will be used at the discretion of Christian Action to fund approved and designated programmes of Christian Action only.

Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc.:
Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc. (FOHKC) is a registered tax-exempt organization in both the United States and in Hong Kong. Donations must be made by cheque or on-line and be addressed to “Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc.”