Please pray in unison that Christian Action (CA) will harvest abundantly through the online platform of our 3-Legged Charity Nordic Walk. And that it supplements the successful launch of this annual fund-raising initiative so that more needy people are blessed. Amen!

Conventionally the World Day of Prayer is scheduled to be held every March; and will be held today. Through the campaign, Christians from over 170 countries always gather to worship and pray for justice and peace. May Godly hope and love dwell in every Christian heart all over the world so that as Christians we can make significant changes for the better.


Yesterday our Long Ping Service Centre (LPSC) team collaborated with some partner churches of Northwest New Territories in a workshop titled “Coffee Corner” where attendees learned how to make some traditional drinks such as Hongkong-style milk tea and lemon tea. Pray that they will continue to team up with different local churches and other stakeholders to bless the community with warmth and hope.

Please pray for the successful pitching of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE) to match with the funding application submitted by our Centre for Refugees. May our steadfast faith in HIs divine providence and direction be fulfilled as “His word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path.” Psalm 119:105
The Social Welfare Department (SWD) completed the overall review of the Child Development Fund (CDF) Programme, and the recommendations were also endorsed by the CDF’s Steering Committee. Christian Action (CA) has been participating in the Programme as a frontline service provider since its inception. Pray for His continuous guidance and insight to help with the holistic personal development of the younger generation from the deprived sector through our service as we uphold what Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Over the past weekend, we co-hosted a community activity with a private corporation at our headquarters to offer free haircuts and family photo taking for about 50 seniors in our vicinity. Pray that we strive to be the salt and light to those weak and poor in the community; and more enterprises will join and support us.


Four service centres under our Social Services Division have secured public funding to sustain the district-based afterschool learning and support service for over 1,600 students from 15 schools this academic year. Pray that we continue to lessen the burden of deprived families in looking after their children as most of them have to work long hours to subsist.

Our Ethnic Minorities (EM) Urban Ambassadors team is organizing regular games and sports activities including board games, badminton, cricket and others for our EM youth. Pray that we strive to help them in self-enhancement and all of them will feel cherished in the community.
Our CDF-On Tai Service Centre (OTSC) will stage a performance today to showcase the mentees’ talents and what they achieved from the summer interest classes. Pray for its smooth implementation and that all mentees will build up their confidence and teamsmanship and they understand how treasured they are in the eyes of Our Lord!
A group of medical volunteers have recently visited our children’s home in Qinghai and provided medical consultations and treatments for children from our children’s home and the community cases. Pray that we garner enough support for our ministry and help the children in need on the Tibetan Plateau. Amen!

Christian Action (CA) is selected as one of the beneficiary agencies under a charity campaign of a big department store in Hong Kong today. The drive is regularly implemented once monthly. Pray that we strive to collaborate with different corporations to show love and care for people in need.


Our Centre for Refugees is facing great financial challenges. Pray for steadfast faith in Our Lord for His providence and provision; and that the funding proposals be granted soon to sustain our ministry for the marginalized sojourners stranded in the city by chance or by choice.


Our Board meeting will be held today. Pray for His continuous direction, wisdom and providence for CA through our dedicated board members who support our ministry for the vulnerable and needy both in HK and Qinghai.

Our Training Services Division will host a job fair titled Bright up your day or 妍亮你的一天職業招聘會 at Yau Ma Tei Community Centre tomorrow afternoon. Pray that the attendees will obtain more updated information on the job market as well as our self-enrichment vocational training and retraining programmes.

This afternoon, we will host an activity themed “Celebrating the 74th National Day of the People’s Republic of China cum Sending Festive Blessings” at our headquarters. One of the aims of this event is to send festive blessings especially to the elderly in our neighborhood as the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. Pray that we will join hands with different stakeholders to be a witness of following Jesus Christ to embrace the disadvantaged communities with love and care.

Pursuant to our standard tender procurement process, the Information and Technology Department is interviewing different bidders to install a new computer system for better resources allocation including classrooms, equipment and manpower in our training services. May God shower His wisdom to choose the right service provider that will optimize our services.

Our CDF-OTSC is organizing several briefing sessions for our mentees and their parents under the CDF mentorship programme to spend their target savings in alignment with their goals set earlier. Pray for smooth implementation and that our next generation would be empowered through this life-changing project.

Praise God!
Some new staff members have recently joined our Employment Support Services (EmSS) team in OTSC. Pray for their smooth adaptation to the workplace and together they join hands to equip the clients on welfare benefits through self-exploration and self-enrichment exercises; and they will re-enter the job market with strength and direction.

Our EM Ambassador team is carrying out some regular outreach activities weekly for EM youth in the urban parts of the city. Pray that the team strives to reach the community and help them to get integrated into society more easily.

This month, the Sheung Shui Service Centre will implement some interest classes for healthcare givers at its Caregiver’s Café. Pray that we strive to walk with the impoverished and share part of their burden as we follow Jesus Christ’s example.
Please pray in unison that we raise enough funds for youth assistance supporting students ranging from secondary school to tertiary education in Qinghai province to further their studies and daily needs. Pray that we aid to transform lives through education, and that they will live an independent life by breaking out of the poverty cycle.
This September, our CDF-OTSC team has organized classes titled "The Kimchi Society" twice weekly for mentees to learn different cultures, customs and traditions of the world. Pray that this will widen their horizons; and they learn how to embrace diversity through mutual understanding and respect.

This month, our Social Enterprise Department will host several community green carnivals sponsored by the Housing Authority in different public housing estates. Pray that we will continue to promote community integration and environmental preservation through our persistent endeavors.

Today we will co-organize at our headquarters a cardio-care activity. It is targeted to serve about 1,000 seniors. Pray that we strive to garner enough support to care for aged residents in our neighbourhood and take this opportunity to present a unified witness to God's love and care.

Today begins our mooncake tin collection initiative, co-organized with a property management group, to collect empty tins from its private housing estates from now to late October. Pray that we will cooperate seamlessly with more corporate partners to educate people about the importance of recycling during and after festive celebrations.

In partnership with a local church in Yuen Long, our CDF-Long Ping Service Centre (LPSC) will launch a series of online workshops themed “gaming addiction” that causes a strain on family relationships in September for the mentee’s parents of the mentorship programme. Pray that the participants learn how to leverage their worry and anxiety to our Lord for He cares. Amen!

Mrs. Cheung will represent HKCC, in her capacity as a member of its Executive Committee to attend the 15th Christian Conference of Asia's General Assembly to be held in India this week. The theme of the assembly is “God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the Creation”. May God protect her and uplift her throughout the trip.

With the support of a funder, our Centre for Migrant Domestic Workers is conducting some themed group discussions on the ordinances in Employment and Immigration stressing the rights of migrant workers from now till November. Pray that we strive to partner with different stakeholders to extend a helping hand to those who work far away from their hometowns to earn a living.

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival!
Pray that people from all walks of life including marginalized communities will embrace each other’s culture and develop a cohesive community; and our staff will be empowered to serve the deprived with a cheerful heart.

Over this month, the Training Services Division has run several promotional events about training opportunities in various fields such as manicure, Chinese dessert making and after-school care service. Pray that more people will be enriched by what they have learnt and prepared to enter the job market and secure a long-term job soon.