
Today is International Labour Day.
Pray that all Christian Action’s staff will persevere to serve with a humble and peaceful heart specially to help the clients under our Migrant Domestic Workers programme who must work far away from their homelands to serve their employers’ families. Pray for His providence and protection for those ladies living in our shelter who are presently unable to work and need our shelter support. Pray that all of them will feel cared for and treasured through our ministry. Amen!

Today sees the 2-day S+ Summit cum Expo by the HK Council of Social Service where Christian Action (CA) will exhibit our services tomorrow. Pray that CA’s goodwill will be spread across the city; and more members of the public will learn how CA follows Jesus Christ as our role model to serve the community and to address social needs. Amen!
Praise God for His connections and provision! A blessing and dedication ceremony was conducted last month at our headquarters recognizing CA’s ministries by International Christian Assembly, our partner church! Pray that we serve and glorify Him through staying aligned with the Bible and spreading the gospel through the Holy Spirit and our fervent faith in HIM.
“Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.” Titus 3:14

Today our Long Ping Service Centre (LPSC) will host a variety show in a Yuen Long church to feature the talents of the mentees under the Child Development Fund (CDF) mentorship programme beyond just singing and dancing. Pray that they will realize how precious they are in the eyes of Our Lord; and regain the courage and confidence to face the challenges ahead.


Our Social Enterprise Department hosted a community green carnival sponsored by the Housing Authority in Kowloon City. Pray that we strive to promote community integration and environmental preservation through our persistent endeavours.


Last month our EM Ambassador Programme (EMAM) conducted a cooking class on Momo Dumplings (a kind of Nepalese Dumplings) for more than 10 EM clients. Pray that all participants would learn different food cultures and enhance their communication skills transcending differences in customs, races, religions, etc.; to embrace each other with respect and mutual understanding.

Our MKC has recently accomplished a supportive programme known as “Building Tomorrow Together” sponsored by a bank for 500 disadvantaged households in Sham Shui Po that include goody bags, food packs and some devices to improve their living environment. Pray that we continue to collaborate with different parties to share the burden of those in need so that they feel loved and cared for by the community. Amen!

Some volunteers from the Sheung Shui Service Centre (SSC) are helping to organize therapeutical activities through horticulture at its Caregiver’s Café for health caregivers in the neighbourhood. Pray that all the participants will shed their burdens, renew their strength, and feel supported; and the volunteers will also learn the power of giving through serving others.


Mrs. Cheung-Ang Siew Mei JP, our Executive Director, in her capacity as a member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Christian Council will attend the 3rd Ecumenical visit to Europe this month. May God protect her and uplift her throughout the trip; and bless and lead this journey of unity. Amen!


The Social Enterprise Department is undergoing the final stage of discussion with the Education University of Hong Kong relating to roster schedule and the arrangements of the internship programme. Pray that all stakeholders will benefit from it; and the interns will also choose to support CA’s ministries in the future.


Today our SSC will organize an “adventure” activity themed Teamsmanship, building and improving communication for our younger generation. Pray that the youth enjoy the activities and they would be coached to seek God; and that they are willing to learn His Way and His Word.


Happy Mother’s Day!
Please pray for the holistic health of all our staff who face daily challenges of working with the poor and deprived. Pray that we care for the clients as a mother cares for her child.


A private club house has generously donated in kind for our Mong Kok Centre (MKC) Food Programme in upcoming months. Pray that we will garner more support from different parties to sustain our ministry for deprived families; and all of them will enjoy this wonderful blessing and gift from God. Amen!


Please pray for the students completing the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) especially the ethnic minorities youth, that they will discover their passion and direction in life as they map out their future career path under the help of our ethnic minorities’ services team. Please pray that they learn that God has a plan to prosper them.

Pray that people from all walks of life including marginalized communities will embrace each other’s culture and develop a cohesive community; and our staff will have some rest today and then be refreshed and recharged to serve the deprived with a cheerful heart.

Please pray that our Qinghai Children’s Centre will be opened and in operation soon. We will provide after-school care service for disadvantaged children and strive to improve the overall well-being of the needy children in Qinghai. Amen!


The adverse economic situation due to inflation has dealt a hard blow to our direct dialogue team tasked with mass fund raising. May God shower His blessings as we try our best to solicit aid from different parties; and bless those who are merciful to others and think of the needs of the poor!

The rainy season is coming.
Please pray for His protection and providence to clients especially those living in cramped and makeshift sub-divided units and our Centre for Refugees in Chungking Mansions which are prone to be affected by rainstorms due to the age of the buildings.

Our EMAM team will conduct a game of bowling for more than 10 clients this May. Pray that all participants will enjoy the precious moments, widen their scope of interests and life horizons, and that they personally feel loved and cared for.


Upon the comprehensive review of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) over the CDF programme, a new phase of CDF mentorship has been rolled out targeting students from Primary 3 to Primary 6. Tomorrow is the application deadline. Pray that CA will strive to serve the deprived children; and the whole programme will continue to positively impact our next generation from the grassroots sector to break the intergenerational poverty cycle. Amen!


Gratitude goes to Our Lord and all donors and supporters!
Our On Tai Employment Support Services (OT-EmSS) has been serving Sau Mau Ping district for two decades! Please pray in unison for His continuous strength and wisdom for the team to serve the unserved. Pray that our clients on welfare benefits will eventually be empowered to re-enter the job market with vigour and courage and seek some long-term jobs. May His name be glorified.


Our OTSC is organizing a series of weekly tutorial classes, four times a week, for 20 ethnic minorities (EM) primary students this May. Pray that the beneficiary children will be aided to learn Chinese with interest; and that their self-confidence will grow and they will be blessed to live a vibrant and colourful life in the future.


Echoing with the future Northern Metropolis Development Strategy, and an exponential growth in population in the future, pray for His insight and direction for exploring new and demand-oriented social services for residents in the Northern District. Pray that CA would strive to build up a sustainable supportive system for deprived families.


Our Information and Technology Department has performed the first User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the Smart Classroom Scheduling System this month. This new computer system aims to optimize our resources allocation including classrooms, equipment, and manpower in our training services. May God shower His blessings so that the whole project will soon be launched smoothly and successfully.


Our Social Enterprise Department launched various activities under the “Green Collection Charity Drives” in different private housing estates in our neighbourhood this month. Pray that our goodwill would spread further throughout Hong Kong and more people would embrace our ecological conservation programme.


As our body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, we understand the importance of staying fit and healthy. During the economic downturn, we must manage our extra workload and stress from daily life and the effect of a recession. Pray that more people learn to take their worries and anxieties to our Lord as He cares for us. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


The Training Services Division thrives to launch various training and retraining courses to equip our trainees in various industries and services, such as health and beauty, food catering, property management, etc. Pray that our reputation and goodwill will spread across the city; and may His inspiration and wisdom help empower job seekers and trainees seeking career advancement. Amen!


Please continue to pray for the smooth progress and implementation of the Diversity Hub, a collaborative project of our Centre for Refugees with the University of Hong Kong, to set up an archive museum about the EM sector in Hong Kong. Pray for steadfast faith in Him as “Our Father already knows our needs.” Luke 12:30


This May, our EMAM team has introduced a novel activity titled as “Plantation” for about 15 EM youth to cultivate a positive mindset through horticultural practice. Pray that we will help foster their resilience and sense of belonging to society; and thus, adapt to the local community more easily.


Our EmSS programme is undergoing the SWD’s case checking and case management this week. We pray that the whole process is smooth and for good communication between our staff and SWD’s. Amen!


Please pray together for our China Programme team that we will find favour with the local authorities in concluding the agreements to assist in managing children’s homes in Qinghai. Hope that we will strive to enhance the well-being of the needy children and youth from the deprived sector on the Tibetan Plateau.

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