
Today, some student mentees under the Child Development Fund (CDF) Mentorship Programme from the Long Ping Service Centre (LPSC) will visit the Yuen Long fire station to explore more about their future career opportunities. Pray that our next generation would be enriched and choose to walk on a Godly path through the interaction with our staff and participation in the programme. Amen!


Tragically, the city once again witnessed a murder cum suicide of a depressed single-mom and her intellectually challenged adult son. Pray that the concerned authorities and stakeholders will be able to establish a strong support system and provide relevant social services for caregivers at home to the chronically ill. May God grant His inner peace and strength to the carers. Amen!


Give thanks. Mrs. Cheung-Ang Siew Mei JP, our Executive Director, has just returned from the 3rd Ecumenical visit to Europe in her capacity as an Executive Committee member of the HK Christian Council (HKCC); and will continue her good work with His blessings. May His protection and provisions be with Christian Action (CA) to grow from strength to strength to serve the deprived sector; and to glorify His name. Amen!


Our Mong Kok Service Centre (MKC) is running the third-phase of the one-year Chinese enhancement programme for about 40 EM primary pupils while their parents attend different workshops on parenting, financial management and family outings. Pray that they will learn more about the Chinese language and culture; and integrate into the community more easily through our efforts. Amen!

The result of the HK Primary One Admission System under the central allocation will be released today. Pray that parents, especially those from the underprivileged sector, will learn the essence of the scripture: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Our Social Enterprise Department will launch various activities under the “Green Collection Charity Drives” in different private housing estates in Kowloon this June. Pray that our goodwill will spread across the city and more people would embrace our green collection programme, which supports charity work.

This afternoon, CA will hold the 27th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Reunification with the Motherland and Tuen Ng Festival Blessings for Wong Tai Sin East District with other stakeholders for the grassroots families in the district at our Headquarters. Pray that we strive to serve the needy and poor so that the public will recognize our efforts to serve the less fortunate in Hong Kong as disciples of Christ.


Please continue to pray for the progress of the Diversity Hub, an EM archive museum in HK, at Chung King Mansions. Hopefully, this project will further sustain our mission to enhance cross-cultural understanding and community cohesion.


Our On Tai Service (OTSC) Team has just kicked off its tutoring class for 20 EM primary school clients. Pray that the beneficiaries and their families will be coached to seek God and walk on a path pleasing to HIM and feel cherished, through our ministry. Amen!


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival!
May God bless our staff to rest in His word during this public holiday. Pray that we will all be greatly uplifted and work together under the current economic setback.


Our EMAm team conducts regular games, both indoors and outdoors, and sports activities including cricket during the weekends for our EM youth. Pray that we strive to help them in self-enhancement and all of them will feel cared for in the community.

Answered Prayer
Two student interns from the Education University of Hong Kong will serve at our Social Enterprise Department this summer. Pray that all stakeholders will achieve a win-win situation; and more members of the public will recognize and support our ministries in the future.

Our Sheung Shui Service Centre will run a workshop on stress and emotional management for about 10 clients on welfare benefits today. Pray that the participants will learn how to take their worries and anxiety to our Lord for He cares. Amen!


Tomorrow twenty student mentees under the Child Development Fund programme from the Long Ping Service Centre (CDF-LPSC) will visit T-PARK, a sewage sludge treatment plant, in Tuen Mun. Pray that we continue to broaden their life horizons through our endeavors; and they learn to treasure our Earth, His creation, and the natural resources, always.


Many children from our Mong Kok Service Centre and other children’s support programmes are sitting for their internal final examinations this month. Pray that all of them will concentrate on their studies, persevere and do their best and that God will grant them wisdom to learn and grow from the experience.


Happy Father’s Day!
Pray that Christian Action strives to aid the children who have been abandoned by their fathers! Pray that they have men in their communities who can serve as the right fatherly figure for them to look up to. Amen!

Prevention is better than cure!
A cervical screening, sponsored by a pharmaceutical company, will be undertaken by 100 women clients of our MKC this week. Any women who test positive will be referred to the Hospital Authority for further medical follow up. Pray that more supporters will join us to express His divine love and care, especially to the needy and poor!

This month, our OTSC will launch some classes to train potential instructors for interest classes and English Phonetics. Pray that the clients on welfare benefits will be enriched with skills and confidence to re-enter the job market as instructors or teaching assistants in future.


Our EMAm Team continues its regular outreach activities in different parts of Hong Kong thrice a week. Pray that we strive to build a community that upholds cultural integration, mutual respect and understanding; and our clients will adapt to society with ease. Amen!

Today is the 2024 World Refugee Day, themed “Our Home”. May God move more compassionate hearts in Hong Kong and beyond to embrace this most marginalized sector with empathy and love. Amen!

Our Centre for Refugees will host the Refugee celebration at the St. Andrew’s Life Centre Amphitheatre with our clients’ dance performance and singing this evening. Pray that this will arouse more public awareness towards these sojourners who are anxiously waiting in the city to be resettled elsewhere.

Mrs. Cheung will become one of the founding directors of a charity foundation. This evening, she will attend its inauguration ceremony to signify the 20th anniversary of its community outreach and charity programme. Pray for His continuous presence and insight for Mrs. Cheung and CA as a whole when we endeavor to walk steadily on a God-pleasing path. Amen!

Our Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) Programme Team will co-organize a Migrant’s Health Day today with AIDS Concern and the medical professionals from a church at Ma On Shan Park. The initiative aims to offer free medical checkups, health education and consultation for about 100 MDWs. Pray that the beneficiaries will learn the importance of honouring God by keeping themselves healthy and sound.


Please pray for the health and safety of Mrs. Cheung, who in her capacity as a member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC), will visit some Christian churches and communities in mainland China this week as a part of HKCC’s 70th anniversary celebration. May God bless the trip and unite them in godly love and Christian fellowship. Pray that they will glorify His name in all that they undertake to do. Amen!


The graduation ceremony of the “English Connect Programme”, an initiative run by the International Christian Assembly Manna Ministry, was held for 45 children from our MKC. Pray that more churches would support our mission.

Please pray for the second User Acceptance Test (UAT) for the Smart Classroom Scheduling System this month; and the system will improve our resources allocation for our training services including classrooms, equipment, and manpower in training services; and eventually the whole system will soon be launched smoothly and successfully.

Today our Sheung Shui Service Centre will conduct a workshop on job interviews for about 10 clients on welfare benefits. Pray that the beneficiaries will be fully empowered to seek long-term jobs; and pursue their dreams with vigor and skills.


The EMAm team co-organized a sailing class with the undergrads of the HK University of Science and Technology for about 10 EM youth this June. Pray that they would unleash their potential, learn teamsmanship and enjoy precious summer time through our efforts.


The Training Services Division continues to launch various training and retraining courses to equip our trainees in various industries and services, such as health and beauty, food catering, property management, etc. Pray for His insight and wisdom to create more market-oriented vocational courses to empower job seekers and trainees seeking career advancement. Amen!

The summer vacation for students will start soon. Please pray for wisdom, creativity and strength for our child-care and support team when they are planning upcoming summer programmes; as CA embraces what Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14, and the beneficiary children and their families will feel loved and cared for. Amen!

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