
Today is the 27th anniversary of the HKSAR’s Establishment! Mrs. Cheung-Ang Siew Mei JP, our Executive Director, will attend the celebration ceremony at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning. May God continue to shower His joy, peace, and love on the city. Let us embrace each other in unity and with respect to enhance Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability.

Our Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) Programme team will co-organize with the City University of HK a series of seminars titled “Beyond Surviving: Navigating Trauma, Reclaiming Hope and Power", especially for those MDWs who have been sexually assaulted. Yesterday the first class was conducted with a professional therapist as our speaker. May the victims be personally comforted and uplifted to regain resilience and vigor through our efforts.

Christian Action (CA) is strategizing our 2024 “Season of Love” Charity Sale drive, one of our major annual fund-raising campaigns. May God bless our marketing team with inspiration, strength, and passion to work out the plan; and that we raise enough funds to substantiate our ministries for the impoverished families and needy in Hong Kong and Qinghai.

This afternoon, Mrs. Cheung, in her capacity as the Chairperson of the Justice and Social Concern Committee (JSCC) under the HK Christian Council (HKCC), will hold a meeting. May God guide her words and steps and continue to use JSCC for peace and justice in this city.
Give thanks. Upon concluding the agreement between Christian Action and the local authority in Qinghai province, our China programme team is geared to form the children’s centre in Xining. Pray that we strive to alleviate poverty and provide youth support on the Tibetan Plateau. Amen!

About 25 children from our Mong Kok Service Centre (MKC) will take part in an art exhibition cum drawing workshop today. Pray that we continue to aid our next generation to widen their life horizons through our endeavor. Amen!

We are currently inviting tenders for a new Human Resources Information System; and then interviewing all potential contractors. Pray for His wisdom and insight to spot the most eligible system provider by the end of this month. May the enhanced system further improve our efficiency and productivity as a whole.
We are recruiting new staff so please pray for wisdom and good insight for our Human Resources team in matching the right people to the right posts. Pray also for a good and harmonious team working environment at CA; and may Our Lord send dedicated and competent people with servant hearts to join us.
Please pray that our Ethnic Minorities Youth Ambassador (EMAm) Team will reap a bountiful harvest in the regular weekly outreach activities; and more EM youth will be connected and touched so that they would adapt to the community with ease and joy. Amen!

Today will see a retreat for the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor (HKCNP). Mrs. Cheung will join in her capacity as a board director. Pray for Godly inspiration and presence with them to unite as One to extend a helping hand to eliminate poverty in the city; and may His name be glorified. Amen!


Promoting STEM education, our MKC will conduct a DIY fan making workshop for about 30 children today. Pray that we help the young generation to unleash their potential in self-exploration and feel cherished by our Lord when walking together with our colleagues. Amen!

This month, our Social Enterprise Department is conducting several green collection initiatives in various private housing estates in our vicinity. Well-chosen good-quality items will be sold in our outlets. Pray that public awareness will be significantly raised to support our ministry; and people understand this is also a means to fulfill charity work.
Summer holidays have come!
Our partner church, International Christian Assembly, will run a 6-day vacation bible study for about 20 children from our MKC next week. Pray that they will be coached to embrace His word and choose to follow His way as we believe in Proverbs 22:6: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”  Pray that they will have an enjoyable and fruitful summer!

Please pray in unison for the renovation of the “Diversity Hub” at Chung King Mansions to be completed in next few days, which is collaborated with the University of Hong Kong to set up an archive museum about the EMs in Hong Kong. Pray for the success to sustain our ministry hoping to achieve social cohesion and mutual understanding. Amen!

Our Employment Support Services team (OTSC-EmSS) is holding a job recruitment fair titled the “27th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR cum the 1st shot in Job Search at On Sau” which will see participation by about 10 corporate partners covering the hotel industry and catering, property management and retailing sectors and more. Pray for His wisdom and connection that we will offer the right matching and employment opportunities for the residents.

Today the HK Christian Council (HKCC), in which Mrs. Cheung serves as a member on its Executive Committee, will hold its regular bi-monthly meeting. May God guide all committee members as a whole to be a unified witness of Our Lord and be steadfast to serve the community. Amen!

Today sees the release of the 2024 HK Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) result. May God abundantly bless all the candidates to grasp the essence of the Truth: Wisdom begins with the fear of God. Pray that the students are guided to choose wisely through our service when forging their future plan. Amen!

Our Training Services Division has organized a workshop today for the Alumni Club members to learn about sign language. The Alumni Club is formed to connect the trainees completing our training and re-training programmes. Pray that the beneficiaries will be fully empowered to join the job market and pursue their dreams through our persistent efforts.


Thanks should be given to the donors. Our Social Services Division has secured some complimentary admission tickets of the Hong Kong Book Fair 2024 for our clients from the grassroots families. Pray that they will cultivate a good reading habit and gradually benefit from the gift of reading.


The Sheung Shui Service Centre (SSC) will organize a job enhancement workshop for some clients this week. Pray that we continue to empower the distressed and stressed-out welfare recipients with skills and confidence to re-enter the job market soon. Amen!


Our Centre for Refugees (CFR) team will organize a summer camp for the refugee children this month. Pray that these most marginalized sojourners will enjoy the lovely moments, feel embraced and cared for by the community through our endeavours.


Our Qinghai China programme team has been preparing for some time the Wall of Recognition at the Rehabilitation Centre in Xining Children’s Home to show appreciation and gratitude to donors to our China programme. Pray for its successful and smooth implementation very soon. May His continued blessings be abundantly showered on the children’s home. Amen!


The CA Board meeting will be held today. Pray for His direction, protection, and providence for us through our dedicated board and staff members who share the same mission and vision to aid the vulnerable and needy both in HK and Qinghai. Amen!


The student mentees from the On Tai Service Centre under the CDF Mentorship Programme started their summer classes learning different musical instruments, song composing and board games this July. Pray that our younger generation will enjoy themselves, explore their potential, and personally understand that God has a plan for them that aims to prosper them and not to harm them, plans to give them hope and a future. Adapted from Jeremiah 29:11


Our SSC will conduct a 6-session floral design class starting from today for some clients on welfare benefits. Pray that the clients will be enriched to re-enter the labour market with skills and confidence soon; and lead an independent and colourful life in the near future.


Summer vacation has begun!
Our centres providing children/youth programmes for locals and EMs are fully geared to launch different dynamic summer activities on interest classes, war games, sports, and many others. Pray that all participants will enjoy their summer leisure time; and we will help to lessen the grassroots families’ burden of taking care of their children as they work long hours to earn enough for subsistence.


Our CDF-OTSC has launched the Chinese enhancement programme (a part of the one-year supportive programme for some EM children) this month. Pray that they will learn more about the Chinese language and culture; and get integrated into the community more easily through our efforts. Amen!


Supported by government funding, our Ambassador Scheme for Ethnic Minority Youth (Urban) has been extended for another year. Pray that we strive to connect the right people through the initiative to reach the community and help them to embrace greater integration with ease and strength.


Echoing with the government’s theme on promoting mental health, our CDF-OTSC team is conducting some art classes for student mentees this week to foster their mental well-being, resilience, and ability to cope with life’s stresses and thrive. Pray for His guidance and a gentle spirit which is crucial to the holistic development of the young generation as a whole. Amen!


Today is the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (TIPs) which was designated by the United Nations. Pray that the public and governments will have more concern and pay more attention to this serious issue; and we will do what we can to mitigate it.
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

During this summer vacation, our CDF-LPSC is implementing a 3-day camp for student mentees. Pray for perfect weather; and that all of them enjoy their nature walks filled with God’s amazing creations and His Word; and establish some long-lasting friendships through the programme. Amen!

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